on to silly dreams. the other night i had a dream that i was doing a sprint triathlon and had to pee really bad before the start. i went looking for a port-a-potty and then i couldn’t pee. i kept trying and trying, even though my bladder felt like it was going to explode. i then realized that my swim wave was about to take off and i knew i’d be uncomfortable if i didn’t just hurry up and go already. long story short, i missed my swim wave so they made me wait and start with the last swim wave, which was for little kids. i was so mad, that i slammed my goggles up against a wall and they broke. i decided at that point to just call it a day, so i went to retrieve my bike and the seat fell off of it. i was having a really bad day …glad it was only a dream.
i have a pain in my left glute that is really making me super cranky. actually, i have had chronic piriformis syndrome in my left glute for about 10 years and over that time, it has flared up about 3-4 times, this time being one of them. i cannot run and it hurts mostly when i’m sitting which is all day at work and at least an hour to an hour and a half in the car commuting to and from work. it pretty much feels like someone is stabbing me constantly. so since last friday, i have been icing like crazy and ….

i also do this stretch ….

thank goodness i can still bike without pain. to my PT friends out there, please feel free to make any other suggestions. i’m always open to new stretches and ideas.
much love and peace out.