- i used to blame the IM training for my lack of
blah-gingblogging but now i am starting to see that the training is only part of the reason. throw sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day into the mix and the last thing i want to do when i get home is sit at the computer. plus, i find writing about my training, other than my daily training entries on dailymile, to be boring. - as for the boring IM training, it’s on track! i’m in the thick of it right now and as timing would have it, most of my long runs and rides have been done and will be done in upper 90 – 100 degree weather. since I have no other choice, i don’t fret about it. thankfully, I have trained for many fall marathons where most of my long runs were done in the summer months. first words out of my mouth at 4am are, “suck it up buttercup!”
- it saddens me to see people eat themselves to death. see, i told you this was going to get random. as i was running this morning, my thoughts somehow settled on some wonderful people, who i dearly love that have allowed food to rule their lives. food …an inanimate object or substance that has more power over them than they have over themselves. how or why this popped into my mind at 5 in the morning, i have no clue. i pray they see the light before it’s too late.
- speaking of marathon training earlier, raise your hand if you have ever heard of the religious sect named Sri Chinmoy? i read about them a million years ago in an article in runners world magazine. it’s this cult that runs 20-50 miles per day and here is the kicker, they run these long runs around 1 city block, over and over and over again. anyway, i have yet to tell anyone (except for 2 people) my little secret …the one about doing my long runs around a 0.47 mile block (actually it’s a loop)… so the last long run was 16 miles. what’s great about it is that i have an aid station at my mailbox whenever i need it! i wonder if my neighbors think i’m crazy?
- i love my ISM saddle. when i first got it, i wasn’t sure. i left it on for 5 weeks, then decided to put the other seat back on to compare. the ISM saddle wins! it took a little longer to “break in” than i thought it would though.
- i have a whole new respect for open water swimming. did you read about Diana Nyad, the women who was attempting to swim 103 miles (from Cuba to Florida) without a shark cage protecting her? well, she didn’t make it BUT, i think she is an incredible athlete and she is 61 years young! there are just too many variables out of anyone’s control when it comes to open water swims, especially in the ocean. unfortunately, she was blown way off course and the conditions were just not on her side. i bet she could swim 103 miles in a pool though!
- while we are on the OWS subject, i had the pleasure of hanging out with my buddy Beth (aka: discombobulated running chic) at the beach a few fridays ago. our plan was to get to the beach around 10, walk down a mile, swim back and then chill out on the beach and work on our white
belliessix pack abs. we had a good swim, although we felt like we were swimming on a treadmill. i thought for sure i was at the halfway mark and we both looked up around the same time and said, “dang, that’s all we swam?” not very encouraging. i had a great swim and felt like a natural out there. i’ve come a long way in 18 months and it feels good to not be a nervous ninny in the water anymore.

who has the whitest feet of all time? that would be me!
- after out OWS, we had the best lunch ever. there is this awesome, awesome, awesome italian market in st. pete that is a must visit if you are ever nearby. it is called Mazzaros and it is to freakin’ die for. i swear. thank you Beth for taking me there. i did notice we were the youngest peeps in there. we sat out on the patio and ate lunch and chatted out heads off. here are some fun photos we took at the market:
can’t go to Mazzaro’s and not pose on the vespa …someone had to be the guy!well, it’s time to wrap this party up and say peace out and much love! have a happy and safe weekend out there!
football is back!! whose excited? GO BUCS! nuf said!
Happy 200th post! Fun pictures. :)
ReplyDeleteYou have such cyclist feet! ha!
ReplyDeleteCan you be my psychiatrists next summer when I'm trying to train through the heat?
Good to hear you are enjoying the ISM Adamo. Those who do not have one have no idea what they are missing out on - for real!
Good to hear from and it is awesome the training is going so well!
I've missed reading your posts, so congrats on the 200th! That's pretty cool. I love the concept of running around the block even for the long runs. I need to try that. Great pics. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I need to try an ISM saddle. I've heard they are amazing! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteSo it sounds like we need to hit up Mazzaros and check out a Bucs game! I totally feel you on lack of blogging too due to not being able to bear sitting behind a computer anymore!
ReplyDeleteIf you're interested, we're riding 60+ miles from Bayshore on Sunday and I'll be doing the long OWS off the causeway in the afternoon. Let me know if you want to join!
Congrats on #200.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have you blog more but it is also like a present when you do so I'm torn over telling you to suck it up buttercup and write more and telling you not to worry about and keep doing your thing. Well, just keep doing your thing.
I got a Cobb saddle and love it. I know the iSM is a huge favorite of a lot of people but he Cobb has treated me well.
Training in this heat will make us strong and faster in the fall.
Much Love To You and Peace Out.
Happy 200th! I just hit 300 posts but forgot to do anything for it. Glad to hear training is going well. Love the beach pics!
ReplyDeleteIsn't there supposed to be some Coronas in the beach foot shot?
ReplyDeleteHilarious pics from the restaurant! I can't believe your long runs are done on a half mile loop... convenient though - I love having the ability to stop at my car on my 5 mile loop runs. Maybe it isn't so crazy after all :)
ReplyDeleteI love all this randomness! First, I went to hear Diana Nyad speak about 10 years ago. She's such a cool lady! Love that she tried the swim at 61.
ReplyDeleteSri Chimnoy-haven't heard of/thought of them in ages! Thanks for the update!
Keep up the great training. Another great IM is yours for the taking!
I love random posts! :)
ReplyDeleteJust think how easy IMFL will be with all of your training in this heat and then race day being absolutely freaking gorgeous! Can't wait to cheer you to the finish.
I love the loop idea actually. We have a loop around our house that's .4 miles. It's a great way to get things done, knowing that the house is always so close for extra water or nutrition (or a potty break). You aren't nuts...
Can't wait to meet you! Matt and I are signing up to volunteer at IMFL!
ReplyDeleteOMG! Heather, if you and Matt are signing up to volunteer, does this mean you two will be doing IMFL 2012??? Can't wait to meet you two as well! This IMFL 2011 is going to be an epic blogger meet up!
ReplyDeleteI hear you on people eating themselves to death. Wifey and I recently took our children to a local amusement park for the day. We were disgusted by the insane number of overweight families.
ReplyDeleteWhat's worse? We noticed that a lot of parents who were in great shape had overweight—and in some cases—obese children. How does this happen? Obviously, some of them are far too wrapped up in their own drama and physical well-being that they do not take the time to make proper meals, teach their children about nutrition, or get them exercising. Ugh! Don't get me started!
Alright, random = awesome. Your weather = death on a stick!
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know how you do it with your weather down there haha.
Keep plugging away at these workouts girl!!! The payoff will be soon :)
Hey, I am going to join the cool kids club in under 3 weeks... 9/11/11 I will finally be IronMattyO! haha.
Keep up the good work :)
happy 200.
ReplyDeletei saw a news article on the crazy folks who run hundreds of miles around a city block too...better or worse than a treadmill?
Happy 200th...I'm not sure you even made it to 26 though ;).
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of running loops around your block, instant potty when you need it...and a mid-run head in the freezer to cool off would be awesome! I'm sorta a treadmill girl, though....same reasons.
Very sad about that swimmer...did she not have a support crew rowing beside her? I'll have to look that up. Glad to hear your swimming is greatly improving! YAY!
with you big time on the computer at home after computer all day at work
ReplyDeletemy PC crashed a week ago at home, and Ive been cleaning and (gasp) READING instead
love it
high 5 the training is on track:)
Those pictures rock!! So glad your training is on track!! I can't wait to cheer you on at IMFL!
ReplyDeletetell me more about this saddle. it really is true love?