- first, i really wish there was a better way to leave comments or reply back to individual comments on blogger but so far i have not figured that out. i know you can do it if your blog is on a word-press platform but i’m not quite ready to switch over just yet, so i wanted to send a big thanks to everyone who left such nice comments regarding my PR last week at the half marathon …much appreciated! i did end up paying for it the next couple of days but it was worth it.

- a couple of weeks ago, after swimming for over an hour, i changed into my running garb, threw on some asics cotton socks (big mistake) and proceeded to run 13.3 miles on the treadmill. guess what happened? i got blisters on the toe next to the baby toe on both feet. no other toes were affected. isn’t that weird? my theory was that my feet got all wrinkled and pruned up from being in the pool, which left them vulnerable to blistering. why just those toes? i have no idea but i can tell you it won’t happen again. funny thing is, i don’t usually run in cotton socks so why i grabbed those that morning is beyond my comprehension. for the most part, i only run in Wrightsock's. the wrightsocks that i currently run in are getting old (read: dingy white), so last week, i got on the internet and found a killer deal on http://www.trisports.com/. six pair later (3 white/3 black), more body-glide anti-chaffing stuff (can’t ever have too much of this), and some ibungie laces, and it was christmas all over again. 3 things to point out about wrightsocks. one, they don’t get holes in them like all of my other socks do after one run. two, they are double layered but aren’t thick and bulky at all. three, you should never pay full price for them. if you do an internet search you will see the price range go from as low as $5.95/pair to $15.00/pair for the exact same sock. you’ll also see what you think are deals from zappo’s or shoes.com where you get 6 pair for $61.00 …sorry, do the math and it isn’t a deal at all. i got these for $6.95/pair. the one’s that were $5.95/pair were XL’s.
- my feet are kinda small and can’t stand it when i buy a sock that is too big and the heel part sticks out of the back of the shoe…see picture above. that look does not fly with me. i do not roll like that.

- i won some Fitness Coffee recently by posting something about them on my facebook wall. it just arrived in the mail on friday and i made my first batch yesterday. it smelled very cinnamony (is that a word?), kind of like a pumpkin spice smell to it as it was brewing. i was a little skeptical about what it would taste like but it was very good. the J-man liked it a lot too and he is picky. if you go to their website, you will see that they claim you get a full days supply of antioxidants in just one cup. i had to laugh when i visited their website for the first time and saw that they not only sell fitness coffee but Sensual Coffee. here is what they say about it: SENSUALCOFFEE™, the first patented coffee for a more sensual lifestyle with your partner. It contains only roasted premium coffee, tonifying herbs and aphrodisiac spices. alrighty then …moving right along.
- this weekend was a picture perfect florida weekend in every way. sunny, warm, and lots of good riding with the J-man.
ready to go kick some ass and we did. guy with a motor on his mountain bike, dude on the recumbent and old guy with tennis shoes riding a steel bike from the 80’s …yeah, they all choked on our dust! to borrow a word Madeleine Albright made a little more famous … i can’t believe the C.O. Jones these guys have out there sometimes. it’s like 2 Ferrari’s (that would be me and the J-man) going by and the Ford Pinto’s trying to challenge us. fuhgetabouitit!! keep dreaming …not even if you have a motor on your bike. pfft!

- to recap the training week. it was a good one. i can’t say enough about how well the swimming has come together now that i have a place to swim that i can count on. since i joined LA Fitness, i have had 3 solid swim sessions a week and i can already tell a difference. before, at the Y, i had a hard time getting the consistency in my schedule. i averaged 1-2 swims per week when i was going there …not so good. but that’s behind me now and moving right along, thank you.
- congrats to my buddies, LK and Sue!! they both did the half marathon in Miami today despite both fighting foot injuries. you 2 ladies are awesome for toughing it out.
much love and peace out!
Glad your new swimming venue is working out!
ReplyDeleteAnd great ride....I'm living for snow-ice free roads.....
Interesting coffee;)
LOVE wright socks for running !!! for some reason I like them more as they get more worn? theyre kinda odd for me that way
ReplyDeletedreamin of sleeveless:)
Im jealous you are gettin in those nice weather bikes!! still alot of snow and cold here!!
ReplyDeleteI have not heard of Wright sock. I will check the out. Thanks. Wish we had some of that warm weather here.
ReplyDeletefuhgetabouitit--love that. Sounds like a great training week and the weather looks nice. Can't complain about the weather over here in Phoenix although when it's in the 70's I start getting scared summer is coming too soon.
ReplyDeleteI have to say thanks to you and posting your tunes. I borrowed a bunch of your songs so I had new tunes for my half marathon on Saturday and they came in handy for me.
loving the warm weather! hope it stays this way :)_
ReplyDeleteUgh..I can't stand that heel issue with socks either! I'm glad you found some socks that you like!
ReplyDeleteI am sooo jealous that you got to ride outside, AND in a shorts and a sleeveless jersey! I think it's going to be 12 degrees here tomorrow! Brrr! I can't wait until spring!
I love my Wright socks (and it's funny that I just wrote about them this week too) and also just restocked. We can never get the same deals here that you can in the USA though; it drives me crazy.
ReplyDeleteThat is one great picture of you. I'm sleeveless these days too - but with a few more layers over top!
Another great week for you.
Sigh.... warm weather...
ReplyDeleteI'm sure we'll see some of that again eventually. :)
Great job on the ride. I'll just live vicariously through your ride.
I hate large socks also! That just doesn't work for me. I was able to ride this week but I was not sleeveless or even in shorts! But I am not complaining because I got a ride outside before the bitter cold comes back!
ReplyDeleteLove the way the wheelset looks on the Qroo - very hawt!
ReplyDeletecool the that new swim venue is working out - just knowing that you will be able to swim whenever you are schedule will relieve so much pressure!
sounds like a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on the heel/sock thing. It's annoying!
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous of the beautiful weather - send some our way please!!!
Thank goodness for Nice weather!!! I love your bike it Rocks!
ReplyDeletelooking fit as always. Glad the LA FITNESS pool is working out for you.
ReplyDeleteThey say practice makes perfect and now that you can actually swim you can actually practice and it will actually be perfect or better than before....not sure if we ever hit perfection.
ReplyDeleteI rode outside yesterday in the 60+ weather myself but with sleeves as they were calling for high winds and rain, but I got all three hours in.
Now for the coffee....if you drink the fitness coffee at say 6:00am and then the sensual at 7:00am does that mean you are capable of ....well enough said.
i haven't tried wright socks, but you are so right i have learned the hard way over the years that a good pair of socks is worth every penny!!
ReplyDeletei agree about responding too, come on blogger!
Upper 60s. I need to move to Florida.
ReplyDeleteUh, yeah, that would be me on the old steel bike with running shoes on. Bah!
ReplyDeleteJust never got into ridding the bike, so never needed to get a better one. :)
Just came across your blog. I'm doing IMFL also this year!
ReplyDeleteIt'll be fun to follow you on the journey!!!
I also love the name of your blog!!!
That coffee is a riot. And completely having a moment of envy over that pic of you chilling on your bike outside. Enjoy your weather!!
ReplyDeleteI say this to all the people I read who are based in warm weathr places so jealous of your warm weather although there are only 42 more days until spring.
ReplyDeleteAlso good job on the 13 mile run on the treadmill despite the blisters.
Sleeveless on my treadmill and that's about it these days - bleh! You look amazing on that bike, good lordy pure awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteI have been dealing with blisters from the tape on my foot - grrr. Feel your pain. I got these Band-Aid type thingies called 2nd Skin and they are amazing!!